Support Our Work

Use the Give Butter Form below to donate to our General Campaign!

Interested in donating? You can donate using a credit or debit card through our Givebutter form! Our donations are routed through Givebutter and are completely tax deductible. If you would like a Tax Deduction letter please make sure to give us your address.

We also accept cash, check, and money order donations. Please make them out to “Congress of Communities”. You can mail them to us at 4870 Saint Hedwig St. Detroit MI 48210.

Thank you for donating to Congress of Communities!

Would you like to give an in-kind gift, sponsor a specific activity, or be part of our work? Check out opportunities here. Give us a call and we can talk more about your in kind donation. (313)914-5315


Prefer to donate through PayPal? Use this link! —>

Here’s How Your Money Is Used…


Youth Programs

We always need food sponsorship and funds for materials for our youth council meetings and events. Please consider giving what you can. Contact Amanda Holiday at for more information on sponsorship and in-kind donations.


TANN Parent and Early Childhood Programs

Our work with parent leaders is very important. We are usually in need of food for meetings, transportation to Lansing for advocating, gifts or stipends for the parent leaders, and more. Please consider giving what you can. Contact Amanda Holiday at for more information on sponsorship and in-kind donations.


Neighborhood Advocacy & Resources

Congress of Communities is involved in many initiatives to improve Southwest Detroit neighborhoods. Contact Amanda Holiday at for more information on sponsorship and in-kind donations.